First aid

Instructions for dealing with burns Barszcz Sosnowski plants (Heracleum Sosnowskyi Manden.).


Information prof. dr. Kazimierz Klima from the Department of Agricultural Technology and Ecology at the University of Agriculture in Krakow.

As a result of direct contact with hogweed plants Sosnowski appear on the skin redness, swelling, blisters and other symptoms of burns. In many cases there are also allergic symptoms (nausea, headache, vomiting, etc.).

These symptoms can occur in people who are particularly vulnerable, even without direct contact, but as a result of contact with the scent of plants or seeds.

The risk of distressing symptoms increases with sunny weather, especially during flowering. Dangerous essential oils contained in the hairs covering the leaves and stem.


Preventive measures to be taken in case of contact with this dangerous plant is burnt piece of shielding the body from sunlight. This will reduce the occurrence of allergic symptoms.

Not only people are exposed to dangerous operation of alkaloids and essential oils secreted by the borscht. Livestock, including cows whose udders have been in contact with borscht must be intended for slaughter, because wound healing is extremely difficult, in most cases impossible. Food for cattle feed prepared from hogweed in many cases cause problems with the digestive tract of animals.


In humans following direct contact with hogweed plants is the point of contact is usually itching, burning or soreness of the skin.

In the case of these or other symptoms described or as a consequence of contact with Barszcz Sosnowskiego plants you should immediately go to the doctor!


Before you visit your doctor, you can use simple household remedies to reduce the adverse consequences of contact with plants of Barszcz Sosnowskiego.

Take the sparkling Calcium (300 mg) tablets, one tablet for 4-6 hours. In a situation where the skin is not damaged (the skin is continuous) you can apply a poultice of preparation Altacet 1% (gel or compress) or smear skin with preparation Hydrocortisone (ointment 0.5%).

In the absence of these preparations can be used wrap cooled down with a brew made ​​from the young shoots of the fern forest.

In many cases, long-term use of infusion of ferns are removed from the skin characteristic tan birthmark appearing on the skin to the site of contact with hogweed plants.

When in contact with Barszcz Sosnowskiego plants show a wound (skin is discontinuous), and disinfection (hydrogen peroxide) can be used Panthenol spray 130 g.


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